Camping Activities

Camping may seem like a great way to bond, until the kids start hollering “I’m bored!” Don’t worry, every parent has been there. Here are a few kid friendly activities to help with connecting family and nature!

  1. Scavenger Hunt – Have the kids hike along with you to a new destination and pick up or find fascinating objects they find on the way! Whoever has the coolest by the end of the hike wins!
  2. Childhood Games – Show them the games you considered cool when growing up! It’s always fun learning how to play “Red Rover” or “Red Light Green Light”!
  3. Build a Fire – Children love being involved, teach them how to safely make and extinguish a fire!
  4. Charades – Who doesn’t love charades, it is the perfect around the campfire game for everyone!
  5. Setup/Pickup – Again, kids love to help, let them! Involve them in setting up the chairs, or build up the fire pit!

Are you lost?

The thought of being lost in the woods has probably crossed your mind once or twice. In today’s world there isn’t really a high chance of that with technology at our fingertips. However, if you for some reason have a dead device, or no way to get yourself back to base camp, here are some tips that may come in handy when finding yourself lost.

  1. Make yourself or travel known. Easily mark your journey by doing simple things like typing rope, writing you name on the ground, drawing arrows, etc. This shows where you’ve been for yourself, and for those who begin looking for you.
  2. Make noise occasionally. We know panic sets in and you may get quiet while concentrating, but stop every so often to call out a name of a friend who may be looking or “Help”. We also recommend carrying a whistle as this is good to use for noise making or sending out SOS signals.
  3. Stay calm and walk with purpose. Try and walk with a set sight in mind, do not aimlessly walk, even if you are marking where you’ve been. This creates more confusion and can cause panic.
  4. Look for familiar landmarks. Take note of familiar landmarks you pass, or stop at. This could help distinguish where you may be or a direction to walk that leads to a roadway.
  5. Make camp and stay safe. If lost after dark, don’t try and travel through the night. Set up camp to avoid direction changes and confusion you may have after dark. Make a fire and continue routine noise or whistling until you rest.

We hope no one experiences being lost anywhere, but we also want you to be prepared in case you ever are. Take a look at these tips, send them to someone who may benefit from them too! As always, enjoy yourself, stay safe, and be smart.